Pre-clinical Studies

 In vitro studies offer the advantage of investigating biological properties and drug effects efficiently and cost-effectively under controlled conditions. They enable rapid screening of potential active substances and reduce the need for animal testing in early research phases, which brings ethical advantages.

In vitro  
toxicology studies

We offer a comprehensive range of services that consistently follow the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct. We implement the recommended principles and standards in all business areas to ensure the highest standards of ethics, sustainability and social responsibility. 


We offer among others:


OECD 431

OECD 435

OECD 439

OECD 471


Ex vivo  
toxicology studies

In ex vivo studies, biological material such as cells, tissue or organs are analysed outside the living organism. These experiments are characterised by their proximity to natural conditions, as the extracted material is analysed in real time and under controlled physiological conditions. As a result, ex vivo studies offer a unique opportunity to investigate complex biological processes without the ethical and practical limitations of in vivo experiments. 

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